How to Build an IoT-based Fan Speed Controller?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing the way we interact with our world, from our homes to our workplaces. One of the most significant impacts of the IoT has been in the area of home automation. With IoT-based devices, you can control and monitor your home's appliances from anywhere in the world, making your life more comfortable and convenient. In this article, we will look at how to build an IoT-based fan speed controller.

This project is inspired from IoT Based Smart Fan Control using ESP8266 and Blynk, you can check out before moving ahead.

What is IoT-based Fan Speed Controller?

An IoT-based fan speed controller is a device that allows you to control the speed of your fan using a mobile application or a web interface. The device consists of a microcontroller, a motor driver, and a Wi-Fi module. The microcontroller is responsible for receiving commands from the user and sending the corresponding signals to the motor driver, which controls the fan's speed.

How to Build an IoT-based Fan Speed Controller?

To build an IoT-based fan speed controller, you will need the following components:

Microcontroller: We will use the ESP8266 microcontroller, which is a low-cost Wi-Fi-enabled microcontroller that can be programmed using the Arduino IDE.

Motor Driver: The motor driver we will use is the L293D, which is a dual H-bridge motor driver that can control the speed and direction of two DC motors.

Wi-Fi Module: We will use the ESP8266's built-in Wi-Fi module to connect to the internet and receive commands from the user.

Fan: We will use a standard DC fan that can be controlled using PWM signals.

Power Supply: We will use a 12V power supply to power the fan and the motor driver.

Once you have gathered all the components, follow these steps to build your IoT-based fan speed controller:

Step 1: Connect the L293D motor driver to the ESP8266 microcontroller. Connect the IN1, IN2, EN1, and EN2 pins of the L293D to the digital pins of the ESP8266.

Step 2: Connect the DC fan to the L293D motor driver. Connect the positive terminal of the fan to the OUT1 or OUT2 pin of the L293D and the negative terminal to the GND pin of the power supply.

Step 3: Connect the power supply to the L293D motor driver. Connect the positive terminal of the power supply to the VCC pin of the L293D and the negative terminal to the GND pin of the L293D and the ESP8266.

Step 4: Connect the ESP8266 to the Wi-Fi network. You can do this using the Arduino IDE and the ESP8266 library.

Step 5: Program the ESP8266 microcontroller to receive commands from the user and send the corresponding signals to the L293D motor driver.

Step 6: Test your IoT-based fan speed controller by sending commands to it using a mobile application or a web interface.


An IoT-based fan speed controller is a useful device that can make your life more comfortable and convenient. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build your IoT-based fan speed controller and enjoy the benefits of home automation. With IoT-based devices becoming more accessible and affordable, the possibilities for home automation are endless.


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