Build your own Wireless Stethoscope with Arduino and HC-05 Bluetooth


Most heart diseases are associated with and reflected by the sound that the heart produces, and one of the easiest and cheapest ways of diagnosing cardiac dysfunction is by Heart auscultation i.e listening to the heart sound. Now if we are talking about traditional auscultation, that requires experience and good listening skills. That is why in this project we thought to build an electronic stethoscope that will be able to get the heart rate of the human body and we can display the data in a Bluetooth-based serial terminal window. 

How Does Wireless Digital Stethoscope Work? 

In order to get the heartbeat data, we will first get a stethoscope and cut it in half to fit a condenser microphone, so that we could get the heartbeat sound from the stethoscope. Next, we will make an amplifier with an op-amp and amplify the signal from the microphone so that we could read it with the ADC of the Arduino. But before reading the signal, we will pass it through a low pass filter that will reject all the unnecessary noise and signal and we will get a pure heartbeat signal on the output. Next, we will send this data to a Bluetooth terminal window with the help of the HC-05 Bluetooth module.

If you want to build and know more, then check out this article Wireless Digital Stethoscope. This article has a well-illustrated circuit diagram, and source code with an explanation to help the readers to build and evaluate their own designs.


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