How to do Digital-to-Analog conversion with Arduino - Arduino DAC Tutorial

We know that Arduino has ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) feature but what if we want Digital-to-Analog Conversion with Arduino. We have the hack for this.

We will connect an MCP4725 DAC IC with Arduino Uno and provide analog input value to Arduino pin A0 by using a potentiometer. Then ADC will be used to convert the analog value into digital form. After that those digital values are sent to MCP4725 via the I2C bus to be converted into analog signals using the DAC MCP4725 IC. Arduino pin A1 is used to check the analog output of MCP4725 from the pin OUT and finally display both ADC & DAC values and voltages in the 16x2 LCD display.

For this, you need circuit diagram and Arduino code; You can check out this Arduino ADC Tutorial, here you can find circuit, code, and a step-by-step guide for Digital-to-Analog Conversion with Arduino.

You can also check out the demonstration video below:


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