Home Assistant & Raspberry Pi

Today's project is from IoTDesignPro. In today's tutorial, we will learn how to integrate Home Assistant and Raspberry Pi to make your home a smart home.

Home Assistant is an open-source operating system for the Smart Home. It operates like IFTTT or Samsung Smart Things but is different in the sense that it's online, open-source, and a completely local alternative to things like HomeBridge and SmartThings. This means that it gives you control of home automation without the cloud. This results in smoother service, reliability, and better protection. Home Assistant also helps you in building complicated Scripts and Automations that blow other Smart Home platforms out of the water. It allows products from hundreds of manufactures and protocols to integrate seamlessly with DIY projects and homemade solutions.

Integration of Home Assistant with RaspberryPi makes your living very very easy and comfortable.

Have a look at this video which demonstrates the working of the tutorial...


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