Watch OTT Content on Raspberry Pi

In India, Online Media Streaming is gaining popularity very rapidly especially due to the Global Pandemic. One more reason for this is the content that is provided on the OTT Platforms. You also get the benefit of saving your storage space as the minimum storage is used while watching online media and you can set the quality of media according to your network speed. The increased number of OTT Subscription leads Circuit Digest to find a new way of watching OTT media, through RaspberryPi . If you don't know about RaspberryPi , it is Linux based palm-size computer and can do all the tasks which a ‘normal’ computer can do. This is not the exact definition but this might give you some hint about it. The player we will be using to watch videos is Kodi media player . Kodi is an open-source software media center, which allows us to access all kinds of content, including videos and music. We can run that content on any device like TV, laptop, phone, even in our Raspber...